He said: “the Balkan wars were far more complex than we are led to believe by the political establishment”.

History of Islam, Islamic bloody expansion, Ottoman imperialism, Dhimmitude and bla bla bla.
To cut a long story short, since the Bosnians are Muslims (albeit nominal Muslims), we should side with Milosovic and the Serbs who committed the ethnic cleansing.
Like in all his essays, he quotes many authors even when they speak about a different issue, and under every citation he gives his own conclusion, even if it has nothing to do with the quotation above it.
Fjordman is without any doubt, a very articulate writer, but when it comes to thinking, he’s an intellectual midget.
To make such big claims you need cogent evidence and conclusive proofs. You need to make use of coherent reasoning and not disordered babble and fatuous claptrap.
Unfortunately Fjordman, lacks the intellectual baggage, and probably, the academic background to conform to the standards of argument, sceptical scrutiny, inference, analytic thinking and the control of the outcome of comparison.
The Bosnian genocide and the Srebrenica massacre are well documented facts. The ethnic motivation behind this genocide is also a well proven fact.

Genocide is genocide, whether it’s the Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, the Rwandan genocide, or the Bosnian genocide. Attempting to defend a genocide is simply, morally wrong, and intellectually disgusting.
Fjordman who already showed his sympathies to the theories of White Nationalists in his Jared Taylorish rant titled “White Masochism”, displays to us here his moral corruption and squalid insight.
Robert Spencer should pick carefully the people he wants to associate with.
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