The core of the theory of “Eurabia” is, according to wikipedia: A neologism that denotes a scenario where Europe allies itself to and eventually merges with the Arab world.
According to what I read, Bat Ye’or believes that the EU or the EEC as it was then known, led by the French, sought to form an alliance with the Mediterranean Arab countries, with the aim to create a geo-political counterforce to oppose the political hegemony of the United States.
The first steps were as follow:
- To facilitate the settlement of Arab citizens from the southern Mediterranean basin, into European countries.
- To allow the implementation of Mosques and Islamic centres in Europe.
- European support to Palestinians.
- European opposition to Israel.
- European access to the Arab markets.
- European access to cheap oil from the middle-east.
- Arab alignment with Europe in their anti-American policies.

Now, to be sincere, it does sound like a big conspiracy.
First let’s begin with the Muslim immigration grand conspiracy.
Europe, after the WWII, had a deficit of young men for the heavy reconstruction works. They needed workers so they could rebuild their war-destroyed countries and economies. The temporary solution was to import foreign guest-workers (note that in the beginning, they were considered guest workers and not immigrants. They were expected to return one day to their home-countries, which in itself destroy the grand Muslim immigration conspiracy). Where to seek these guest-workers? Naturally, in the colonies and ex-colonies. It happened that the nearest colonies of France were in North-Africa. So tens of thousands of Algerians, Moroccans and Tunisians were imported to work in construction, factories and mines. Britain chose to import them from its former-colonies in the subcontinent and east-Indies. Belgium, from the Congo. Etc…
In France, it’s until late 70’s, that the “guest workers”, gained the right to bring their families. In Germany, it’s only in the 90’s that the Turks were given the right to apply for citizenship. The Muslims had it a lot harder in Europe than, let’s say, the Mexicans who started to flock to the US after in the 70’s. We don’t talk however about a Mexico-America conspiracy.
Now as to the Euro-Arab Dialogue, it’s self evident that after the oil-crisis of 1973, European countries, sought to assure their supply of oil, and prevent another crisis that could hit hard their economies. So they created a friendship dialogue with the arab-league. One of those wishy-washy conferences and summets Europeans are famous for. Just like Zapatero’s Alliance of Civilizations or the last euro-African summet in Portugal (btw, is there a euroafrica conspiracy out there?). Conferences, dialogues and chit chat, with no real substance or compromise, just for the publicity and to look kind, tolerant and sensitive, unlike the “imperialistic and warlike” United states. (However when it comes to substance, the US send dozens of times more aid to Africa than the whole European Union). That’s how I see this whole mess of Euro-Arab dialogue. Europeans are not stupid, and unlike Americans (who actually do have idealistic aims in the world), they only seek their own interests. And the cheapest way to do it is this kind of folkloric shows. They never seek compromise. Now if Bat Ye’or thinks there is a real compromise behind the Euro-Arab Dialogue, she must provide hard facts and undisputable evidence, and not ignore clues that point to the other way.
As I said I never read the book, but from the right-wing blogs and online magazines, that support her theory, the facts presented seem to be based on mere claims, and the premise of this whole conspiracy appears to be this unfamous Euro-Arb Dialogue.
Neverthless, her Eurabian theories, don’t dismiss her other works on dhimmitude. She experienced it herself in his country, Egypt, and that’s why I believe, she should have stayed focused on subjects she’s better acquainted with..